Geotechnical / Soil Mechanics Laboratory
The geotechnical laboratory has an area of 761 ft2 and is equipped to perform experiential tests in support our CIET/CM courses ETCE 3131 and ETCE 3131L. These two courses are typically taken concurrently and are designed to familiarize the student with the common laboratory soil tests and analysis procedures with emphasis on the significance of the various tests, the testing procedures and the detailed computations. Examples of available equipment includes two (2) direct shear test machines (data acquisition capable), seven (7) consolidation test machines, two (2) unconfined compression test machines, three (3) constant head permeability test systems, four (4) sieve shakers, one (1) hydrometer constant temperature bath, twelve (12) hydrometer sets, one (1) six head de-airing vacuum system for specific gravity testing, six (6) sets specific gravity test apparatus, twelve (12) sets of Atterberg Limits test systems for plastic and liquid limits, six (6) sets of Standard Proctor test molds and hammers, twelve (12) sand cone field density determination sets, one (1) large conventional drying oven, four (4) digital scales, one (1) Hobart mixer, and various and support equipment and supplies. This equipment is also used to support our Construction Materials courses ETCE 1222 and ETCE 1222L as well as our Highway Design course ETCE 4251 and various senior design projects (ETCE 4272).
Typical Soils Equipment (Consolidation & Direct Shear)