Programmable Logic Controller / Communications Laboratory
This laboratory also supports the Instrumentation & Controls courses and laboratories (ELET2241/ELET2241L and ETME3163/ETME3251) in ELET and MET, as previously described in the common laboratories section. The PLC Laboratory is used for an introduction to Relay Logic and PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) control. Ladder logic programs, written to meet specific requirements, are transferred to PLC to control motors, pumps, solenoid valve, lights, buzzers, bells and alarms from a variety of digital inputs. Major equipment in this Lab includes, 10 PLC Training Stations PTS T100, 10 Dell PCs with TRiLOGI software, 1 custom designed and fabricated Water Transfer System unit, 18 custom built PLC Trainer Boards, 1 SamSung UF-80ST digital presenter.
Typical PLC workstation

In addition, the laboratory will be used in the newly designed communications course (ELET4151) and laboratory (ELET4151L) in the revised curriculum. Currently, four each of the following communications gear is owned by the Department: HP 54616 Digital Oscilloscope, HP E4400B Sweep Function Digital Signal Generator, HP E4401B Waveform Digital Spectrum Analyzer, and Agilent 34401 Digital Bench Multimeter, HP Digital Power Supply E3631A Triple Output, and Tenma Digital Multimeter 72-7925.
Custom built instrument and control equipment

Typical Communications Gear