Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Laboratory
The Microprocessor laboratory is 528 ft2 and supports the ETEE3183 Digital Logic Design, ETEE2213 Introduction to Microprocessors, ETEE3286 Microcontroller Applications courses in the old curriculum and the ELET3132L Digital Systems Laboratory, as well as the ELET3132 Digital Systems, ELET2231 Microprocessor Fundamentals and ELET3232 Microcontroller Systems courses of the revised curriculum. There are ten workstations available, each consisting of a networked computer, Agilent 54624A 4-Channel 100MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Agilent 33220A Digital Signal Generator, Fluke 45 Digital Bench Multimeter, Agilent Digital 1672G Logic Analyzer, Agilent E3630A Triple Output Power Supply, Dell PC MS Office, compilers and simulation software. This laboratory is used to implement digital systems with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The associated hardware (prototype boards), as well as the software, is configured for the PCs. Two different FPGA technologies utilized. Xilinx based FPGA hardware is introduced through the SPARTAN together with the software for design entry, simulation and implementation of the design. Altera FPGA technology and its tool suite are also available.
Typical equipment