Electrical/Electronics & Power Systems Laboratory
This laboratory, consisting of over 500 ft2 supports ETEE3153, ETEE3156 ETEE3255/3257 Electronics Lab V, VI and VII, the junior and senior level circuits and electronics laboratories in the old ELET curriculum, as well as ELET3222L (Electronics II Laboratory) and ELET4223 (Active Filters) in the revised curriculum. This laboratory is also equipped with Lucas-Nulle Trainers that serve the Introduction to Power Systems course (ETEE2141 in the old curriculum and ELET2141 in the revised curriculum), as well as the Power Electronics/Power Networks courses of the revised curriculum, ELET4142. Experiments with three-phase balanced and unbalanced circuits, synchronous and asynchronous machines, various types of power converters and power factor correction can be conducted.
The laboratory has nine workstations designed to accommodate 2-3 students per workstation. Each workstation is equipped with a Agilent 54621A 60MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope, a Hitachi V-355 35MHz Analog Oscilloscope, a GwIntek SFG-2120 20MHz Digital Function Generator/Frequency Counter, an EZ FG8002 2MHz Analog Function Generator, an Agilent E3630A Triple Output DC Power Supply, an HP E3612A DC Power Supply, multimeters, protoboards, breadboards resistance and capacitance decade boxes. A printer and two fully networked Mosaic PCs are available in the laboratory, along with eight stand-alone Dell PCs with Lucas-Hulle L@BSoft and productivity software.
Typical Power Equipment

Typical equipment