Your Academic Advisor is here to assist you with achieving educational and lifelong learning goals through an interactive advising and educational partnership. In the Department of Engineering Technology and Construction Management, your primary Academic Advisor is a full-time staff member dedicated to assisting you as you navigate through your time at UNC Charlotte. Together, you may develop a plan of study based on your prior preparation and objectives. You will also be assigned a Faculty Mentor who can assist you in career goals, guide you in choosing appropriate electives, and aid you in discussions about internships, co-ops, and industry employment.
You are required to update your Academic Plan/ Check-sheet and complete the quizzes on Canvas each semester prior to registering for classes. Advisors communicate through your UNC Charlotte email account, so check regularly for important announcements. Students who do not attend scheduled advising sessions may not be able to register for classes as early as their classmates.
Contact your advisor more frequently when receiving an unsatisfactory grade report, disciplinary action is pending, or you are experiencing difficulties that are interfering with your academic progress. They are here to guide you through all of the academic processes and procedures. They are a wealth of information, have many contacts, and are happy to point you in the right direction if they cannot solve your issue themselves.
Student Responsibilities
While the Academic Advisor is there to help, you must also accept the following responsibilities:
- Be proactive and seek help and advice early in the semester
- Understand the role of Academic Advisors (Student Services Specialist and Faculty Mentor)
- Know how to contact your advisor(s) – Use Connect to schedule appointments
- Become familiar with requirements for your major, minor, general education, and graduation
- Know how to reference the Undergraduate Course Catalog for degree requirements, College policies, and course descriptions
- Update your student record when necessary (e.g., change of address, phone number, etc.)
- Know your current grade point average, enrolled credits, and earned credit hours
- Follow dates and deadlines on the academic calendar (add/drop, withdrawal, and graduation)
- Be aware of all University policies and procedures regarding academic forms, probation/suspension, etc. Registrar
- Know that official communication is done through university ( student email
- Know that advisors are helpful and available during non-registration periods
- Schedule and arrive on time for appointments with your advisor
- Prepare questions and a course schedule before meeting with your advisor
- Make notes and keep all paperwork and forms from advising sessions
Who Is My Advisor?
Freshmen students in the College of Engineering are advised by Advisors in the Office of Student Development and Success. All other students are advised by the ETCM Department Advisors.
Academic Advisors
- Construction Management: Ms. Jill Rogers
- Civil Engineering Technology: Ms. Jill Rogers
- CIET + CMET Dual Major Students: Ms. Jill Rogers
- Electrical Engineering Technology:
- Fire Safety Engineering Technology:
- Mechanical Engineering Technology: Ms. Rachel Powell-Rangel
- M.S. Applied Energy and Electromechanical Engineering: Dr. Aidan Browne
- M.S. Construction and Facilities Management: Dr. Jake Smithwick
- MS in Fire Protection and Safety Management: Dr. Michael Benjamin
Your advisor and Faculty Mentor can also be found in Banner Self-Service which is accessed through My UNC Charlotte.
Departmental Advising Process
Pre-registration advising is mandatory for all William States Lee College of Engineering students. Students advised by staff in the Department of Engineering Technology & Construction Management are required to complete pre-registration tasks on Canvas each semester.
Individual appointments with Advisors are available through Connect.
Advising Resources
- William States Lee College of Engineering Advising
- University Advising
- General Education Requirements
- Undergraduate Catalog
- Final Exam Schedule
- Official University Academic Calendar
- Office of the Registrar
- College of Engineering MAPS Program
- Writing Resource Center
- Tutorial Services, Supplemental Instruction, Other Academic Support
- GPA Calculator
- College of Engineering Professional Development Opportunities
- University Career Center