Carlos Orozco, Ph.D.

Carlos Orozco, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Technology & Construction Management
Engineering Technology and Construction Management
Degrees & Professional Registration:
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1993
- M.S in Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1984
- B.S. in Civil Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, Colombia, 1983
Research Grants:
- PI, “A Computational Model for the Viscoelastic Behavior of Polymeric Matrix Composites,” UNC Charlotte Faculty Research Grant ($3,500), 2004-2005
- PI, “Structural Performance of Simple Aerospace Structures in a Microgravity Environment,” NASA Graduate Fellowship Program ($24,000), 2004
- PI, “ A Reliability-based Monitoring System for Highway Bridges,” Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center ($90,546), 1999
- PI, “Applications of the Strain-Compatible Volume-Averaging Method to the Analysis of Unidirectional Composites,”
- Life Prediction Branch, NASA Glenn Research Center ($10,000), Summer 1999
- PI, “From the Traveling Salesman to the Diet Problem: An Introduction to Optimization,” University of Virginia, Office of the Provost ($6,500), 1998
- PI, “Applications of GMC to the Micromechanical Analysis of Built-Up Composite Panels,” Collier R&D ($28,308), 1997
Recent Publications:
- Orozco C. E., “Application of the Strain-Compatible Volume-Averaging Method to Viscoelastic Analysis of Composites”. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, ICCE/11. Hilton Head Island, SC, August 2004
- Orozco C. E., “Modeling the Viscoelastic Behavior of Multi-Phase Composites Using the Generalized Method of Cells,” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Composite Engineering, ICCE/10, p535, New Orleans, LA, July 2003
- Orozco C. E. and Pindera M-J., “Viscoelastic Analysis of Multi-Phase Composites Using the Generalized Method of Cells,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 40, No. 8, pp. 1619-1626, August 2002
- Orozco C. E., “Micromechanical Analysis of Complex Microstructure Composites Using the SCVA Method,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Composite Engineering, ICCE/9, p575, San Diego, California, July 2002
- Orozco C. E. and Gan H., “Viscoplastic Response of Multi-Phase Composites Using a Strain-Compatible Volume- Averaging Method,” Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 33, pp. 301-313, June 2002
- Orozco, C. E., “Analysis of the Microstructure of Advanced Composites Using the SCVA Method,” Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Invited Lecture, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2002
- Roche S. B., Orozco C. E., Barton F. W., Gomez J. P., Massarelli P., “Finite Element Evaluation of the Structural Integrity of Composite Bridge Decks,” Technical Report, Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center, July 2001
- Orozco, C. E., “Design Optimization of Nonlinear Mechanical Systems,” Invited Lecture, Pennsylvania State University, Delaware County., Media, PA, April 2001
- Orozco, C. E. “The Conservation of Angular Momentum and Space Mechanics,” Invited Lecture, Pennsylvania State University, Delaware County. Media, PA, April 2001
- Orozco, C. E., “Optimal Design of Nonlinear Mechanical Systems,” Invited Lecture, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, March 2001
- Orozco, C. E., “High-Resolution Micromechanical Analysis of Complex Microstructure Composites,” Invited Lecture, Tulane University. New Orleans, LA, March 2001
- Gan H., Orozco C. E., and Herakovich C. T., “A Strain-compatible Method for Micromechanical Analysis of Multi-Phase Composites,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 37, No. 37, pp. 5097-5122, July 2000
- Orozco, C. E., “The Strain-Compatible Volume-Averaging (SCVA) Method for Curved Geometries,” Invited Lecture,NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, Cleveland, Ohio, July 2000
- Orozco C. E. and Pindera, M-J., “Plastic Analysis of Complex Microstructure Composites Using GMC,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp 482-488, April 1999
- Orozco C. E., “Applications of the Strain-Compatible Volume-Averaging Method to Unidirectional Composites,” In
- Collaborative Aerospace Research and Fellowship Program, NASA Glenn Research Center and Ohio Aerospace Institute (OAI), Final Report, 1999
- Gan H., Orozco C. E. and Herakovich C. T., “A Shear Compatible Method of Cells for Micromechanics,” Proceedings of the 13th National Congress of Applied Mechanics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, June 1998
- Baber T. T., Maddox R. A., and Orozco C. E., “A Finite Element Model for Harmonically Excited Viscoelastic Sandwich Beams,” Computers and Structures, Vol. 66, No. 1, pp 105-114, January 1998
- Orozco C. E. and Pindera M-J, “A High-Resolution GMC Formulation for the Analysis of Composites with Functionally Graded Microstructures,”Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Composites Engineering, ICCE/4, p757, Big Island of Hawaii, July 1997
- Orozco C. E., “Computational Aspects of Modeling Complex Microstructure Composites using GMC,” Composites Engineering, Vol. 28B, pp 167-175, 1997
- Orozco C. E. and Ghattas, O. N., “A Reduced SAND Method for Optimal Design of Nonlinear Structures,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 40, pp 2759-2774, 1997
- Ghattas O. N. and Orozco C. E., “A Parallel Reduced Hessian SQP Method for Shape Optimization,” Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: State of the Art, Natalia M. Alexandrov and M. Y. Hussaini, editors, SIAM, pp. 133-152, 1997 (Book chapter)