General News

Two years ago, Niner Engineer Scott Stewart Jr. had a casual conversation with his father. The son jokingly mentioned that his father should join him at UNC Charlotte once he concluded his career in the U.S. Air Force.

The Power of a Casual Comment

Categories: General News Tags: Commencement

Two years ago, Niner Engineer Scott Stewart Jr. had a casual conversation with his father. The son jokingly mentioned that his father should join him at UNC Charlotte once he concluded his career in the U.S. Air Force.   “I remember I was just finishing up my sophomore year at Charlotte,” the younger Stewart said of […]

Undergraduate program renamed “Electromechanical Engineering Technology”

Categories: General News

UNC Charlotte’s Department of Engineering Technology and Construction Management, in its commitment to remain current with industry trends and technology, announces a program name change effective Fall 2024. The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology will be renamed the Bachelor of Science in Electromechanical Engineering Technology.  After careful consideration and consultation with a diverse […]

Heavy Lifter

Categories: General News

Dr. Tina Chen is among a group of women at UNC Charlotte who are making a mark locally, regionally, nationally and internationally through research collaborations and groundbreaking work in data science.

Meet Niner Engineer Paulina Salinas Hernandez

Categories: General News

Paulina Salinas Hernandez, a senior double majoring in electrical engineering technology and German, moved with her family to the United States from Mexico in 2020.

Engine in the Middle

Categories: General News

The ability to cope with hardship and overcome adversity is in the DNA of a strong teammate–whether on the field or in the lab. Example: Construction Management sophomore and 49ers men’s soccer player Samy Kolby.

ETCM Faculty and Staff News

Categories: General News

New faculty hires this academic year include tenure track faculty member Claudia Martins in Construction Management, and two teaching faculty in Mechanical Engineering Technology: Dr. Christopher Green and Ms. Michelle Demers. New staff hires include academic advisors, Carol Marshall and Rachel Powell, and business services specialist, Ms. Nancy McAnuff. Professor & Department Chair, Dr. Tony […]

Ross Newsome

Alumni and students contributing to I-40 / I-77 Interchange Construction

Categories: General News

If you’ve traveled I-77 or I-40 near Statesville recently, you are likely aware of the highway upgrades occurring as part of Lane Construction’s $260 million I-40 / I-77 Interchange Construction project in Statesville. The project is designed to decrease traffic congestion and improve safety, according to the North Carolina Department of Transportation. UNC Charlotte’s ETCM […]


Categories: General News

ETCM Faculty and Students Assist Cabarrus County, State of North Carolina and Preservation North Carolina on Jackson Training School facility evaluation Faculty members and students from the Construction & Facilities Engineering program are working with Cabarrus County to provide facilities expertise and resources in support of the repurposing and/or redevelopment of portions of the Stonewall […]


Categories: General News

Three student teams from The William States Lee College of Engineering recently participated in the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) Southeast regional competition in Atlanta in November 2021 to learn, network, compete — and win. This fall, three UNC Charlotte teams competed in the commercial, concrete, and heavy civil categories against teams from Auburn, Clemson, […]

Alumni Profile – Casey Nichols

Categories: General News

Alumni ProfileCasey NicholsB.S. Mechanical Engineering Technology 2018, M.S. Applied Energy and Electromechanical Systems, 2019 Current PositionResearch Engineer at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) “NREL is a national laboratory in Golden, CO, that leads in energy efficiency and renewable energy science research. I research renewable energy, mainly wind energy and marine renewable energy. In wind, I […]