New Multi-Disciplinary Capstone Experience Pilot for Construction Management & Civil ET Students

The Fall 2020 Capstone courses differed in several key aspects from previous offerings. For the first time, both the CM and CIET students were working on the same construction project. Cooperation between the two classes was modeled after real-life professional experiences, where the CIET design team provided the design and construction drawings of temporary work for the CM teams to analyze and competitively bid. As expected, multiple RFI’s were developed by the contractors and answered by the designers.
Also new for the Fall semester, students were provided with the opportunity to observe key design aspects and construction operations in person. Blythe Development provided the “Concord Mills Flyover” project, and hosted multiple site visit opportunities for the students. KCI Associates of NC provided multiple virtual guest lectures on the design of temporary structures, HDR provided a virtual guest lecture on assembling a drawing package for bidding, and Lithko provided a virtual guest lecture on developing temporary traffic control plans for construction operations. The semester culminated for the capstone groups in an interview process with multiple members from the Industrial Advisory Board.