2+2 Programs

Matriculate as Transfer Student with AAS Degree from Community or Technical College

Each of the programs offered by the Department of Engineering Technology and Construction Management can be accessed as the second half of a “2+2” arrangement. That is, students may complete the first two years of the program by completing an approved Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in a related field at a community or technical college. Upon completion of the AAS and satisfaction of all defined pre-requisite material, a student then matriculates to UNC Charlotte to complete the Junior and Senior years of study. See detailed description below.

AAS Transfer Program Structure

All transfer students with an approved AAS degree are evaluated against a defined set of pre-requisites and given transfer credit equivalent to the Freshman and Sophomore years when proof of the AAS degree is presented. Missing pre-requisite material is considered an entrance deficiency and the student is responsible for correcting any deficiencies by taking the appropriate coursework at either UNC Charlotte or at a community or technical college through transient study, before any follow-on course or senior-level course may be taken. Courses taken at UNC Charlotte to remediate deficiencies cannot be used towards the upper-division credit requirements of the program. Common deficiencies are in the areas of math and science.

Students transferring with an AAS degree must have satisfactorily completed the following subjects in their two-year program:

Civil Engineering Technology

  • English Composition or Technical Writing (3 semester hours)
  • Precalculus (3 semester hours)
  • Differential and Integral Calculus (6 semester hours)
  • Physics I + Lab (4 semester hours)
  • Physics II (3 semester hours)
  • Computer Aided Drafting
  • Construction Surveying
  • Construction Materials
  • Plan Reading and Quantity Takeoff
  • Construction Materials and Structures Lab
  • Construction Methods
  • Environmental Technology, Hydraulics or Hydrology
  • Building Information Modeling
  • Statics
  • Strength of Materials

2+2 academic plan for Civil Engineering Technology

Construction Management

  • English Composition or Technical Writing (3 semester hours)
  • Precalculus (3 semester hours)
  • Differential and Integral Calculus (6 semester hours)
  • Physics I + Lab (4 semester hours)
  • Physics II (3 semester hours)
  • Macro Economics
  • Computer Aided Drafting
  • Construction Surveying
  • Construction Materials
  • Plan Reading and Quantity Takeoff
  • Construction Materials and Structures Lab
  • Construction Methods
  • Environmental Technology, Hydraulics or Hydrology
  • Building Information Modeling
  • Statics
  • Strength of Materials

2+2 academic plan for Construction Management

Electrical Engineering Technology

  • Precalculus (3 semester hours)
  • Calculus for Engineering Technology (3 semester hours)
  • Engineering Analysis II (3 semester hours)
  • Physics I + Lab (4 semester hours)
  • Physics II + Lab (4 semester hours)
  • Algorithms and Programming
  • Circuit Fundamentals
  • Engineering Analysis III (3 semester hours)
  • Circuit Analysis
  • Digital Fundamentals
  • Doing and Making

2+2 academic plan for Electrical Engineering Technology

If interested in the 2+2 program, please contact the ELET Advisor or Program Director one semester prior to submitting your application to the program for informal evaluation of your credits.​

Fire & Safety Engineering Technology – Fire Safety Concentration

  • English Composition or Technical Writing (3 semester hours)
  • College Algebra (3 semester hours)
  • Precalculus (3 semester hours)
  • Physics or Chemistry + Lab (4 semester hours)
  • Science without Lab (3 semester hours)
  • Introduction to Fire Protection and Prevention
  • Water Based Fire Suppression
  • Fire Protection and Sfaety Law
  • Fire Investigation
  • Building Construction
  • Introduction to Fire Behavior
  • State and Local Government
  • Introduction to Public Administration
  • Occupational Safety
  • Computer Literacy
  • Computer Aided Drafting​

2+2 academic plan for Fire and Safety Engineering Technology-Fire Safety Concentration

Fire & Safety Engineering Technology – Occupational Safety Concentration

  • English Composition or Technical Writing (3 semester hours)
  • Precalculus (3 semester hours)
  • Differential and Integral Calculus (6 semester hours)
  • Statistics (3 semester hours)
  • Physics I + Lab (4 semester hours)
  • Biology (3 semester hours)
  • Chemistry (3 semester hours)
  • Introduction to Fire Protection and Prevention
  • Water Based Fire Suppression
  • Fire Protection and Safety Law
  • Fire Investigation
  • Building Construction
  • Introduction to Fire Behavior
  • Computer Literacy
  • Computer Aided Drafting
  • ​Occupational Safety

2+2 academic plan for Fire and Safety Engineering Technology-Occupational Safety Concentration

Mechanical Engineering Technology

  • English Composition or Technical Writing (3 semester hours)
  • Precalculus (3 semester hours)
  • Differential and Integral Calculus (6 semester hours)
  • Physics I + Lab (4 semester hours)
  • Physics II + Lab (4 semester hours)
  • Chemistry (3 semester hours)
  • Parametric Solid Modeling
  • Engineering Materials or Metallurgy
  • Manufacturing Processes
  • Statics
  • Kinematics or Mechanisms
  • DC Circuits
  • Machine Shop Practices (with Lab)

2+2 academic plan for Mechanical Engineering Technology