Facilities, Equipment and Infrastructure

The Engineering Technology and Construction Management (ETCM) programs at UNC Charlotte are principally housed in the Sheldon P. Smith Building, with additional facilities available in the Cameron Applied Research Building. The Smith Building is composed of 58,700 ft2 of usable classrooms, laboratories, and office space to support the principal educational, research and development activities of the Department.

Instructional facilities are primarily in the Smith Building and consist of traditional classrooms, electronic presentation classrooms, and computer classrooms/labs. All classrooms have been equipped with new computers, multimedia players, document cameras and projectors contained within an instructional podium. Computer classrooms/labs for all programs have been upgraded with new computers and A/V equipment. Administrative and faculty offices for the department and the COE centralized student support services are also housed within the Smith Building.

The programs in ETCM are adequately supported by laboratory support services, including electronics, mechanical, and machine shops, provided by three full-time skilled technicians/laboratory managers and faculty associates with laboratory responsibilities.

In addition to maintaining comprehensive laboratory facilities in the Smith Building, the Engineering Technology and Construction Management programs share laboratory facilities and resources with their sister departments in the Engineering Sciences. Specifically:

  • The Civil Engineering Technology (CIET) Program shares some of its laboratory facilities with the Civil Engineering (CEE) program, primarily in the areas of environmental and materials/structures undergraduate laboratory courses.
  • The Electrical Engineering Technology (ELET) Program currently benefits from shared use of facilities in Electrical & Computer Engineering through participation in interdisciplinary senior design.
  • The Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) Program currently benefits from shared use of facilities in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Sciences (MEES) through participation in motorsports teams and interdisciplinary senior design.

Shared Engineering Technology Laboratories and Associated Equipment

Civil Engineering Technology Laboratories and Associated Equipment

Electrical Engineering Technology Laboratories and Associated Equipment

Mechanical Engineering Technology Laboratories and Associated Equipment

Research Laboratories

  • Sustainable Material and Renewable Technology (SMART) Laboratory
  • Thermal Analytical Research Laboratory

Computing Facilities and Equipment